Company Name Change & Relocation Announcement
Dear Valued Customer,
We are excited to share important news regarding the evolution of our company and how this change will benefit you. We are delighted to announce that our company name has changed as of 1 July 2018, from The Bond Chemicals Co., Ltd to Bond Materials Co., Ltd. and relocated to a new premises at Guangzhou Economy and Development District. Further more a R&D centre for new materials is established which will become one of the state government certified Innovative R&D Organisations.
This change will allow us to present ourselves as truly the most innovative and trusted product and solutions company to the industrial adhesives, road surfacing materials and building construction reinforcement materials. Our commitment to our customers and partners remains our highest priority. By re-branding ourselves as new materials developer, manufacturer and supplier and becoming a complete closure solutions company, we believe that we are providing our customers with the best solutions, products and services available to the market today.
Although the company name and location changed, the logo, the business and legal relationship with our existing customers and partners remain the same. It will not impact our tax identification, bank account number and other contact information either, although these numbers will be in the new company name.
For your future reference, we would like to share with you the company's contact information:
New Name: BOND MATERIALS CO., LTD. ( 正邦(广州)新材料有限公司)
New Address: 8F Main Building, 366 Qingnian Road, GETDD, Guangzhou, China.
Telephone:+86 20-82210601
Hotline (within China):400 825 1528
Fax :+86 20 82210626
Website :
QR code for company web site and wechat site:
Dr. Yong YE
Managing Director, Bond Materials Co., Ltd.